Cutting Edge Communication: Overcoming Disempowerment

Cutting Edge Communication: Overcoming Disempowerment

Biz Library
Updated Feb 01, 2019
This episode begins with Carol and Marcus discussing a complaint that Michael has made against her for an inappropriate incident. Marcus reinforces the importance of respecting personal space. Shortly after this Michael asks for Carol's feedback on a completed report. Carol's feedback is abrupt and negative, prompting Michael to complain to Marcus about Carol again. Marcus helps Michael deal with his negativity by asking him to say some positive things about Carol and introducing the notion of the black box. Michael is encouraged to write down his negative thoughts and put them in the box. Marcus goes through the same process with Carol after citing the positive things Michael had to say. Carol is in awe of Marcus' inspirational speech.Please note: These videos are designed to provoke discussion and response. They are fast-paced, short, character-driven, TV-style comedies that take a new approach to reaching today's learners. By laughing, discussing, sharing outrage, and reacting to the behaviors on screen, we can use the resulting feelings and thoughts to develop a clearer shared view of how we want our teams to behave and to better manage these types of situations. These programs partner well with the "Switch On" and/or "Workplace Excellence" series, also by Seven Dimensions.This program does not include a quiz. To achieve a completed status in the learning management system, you must view the video in its entirety.