Creating Workforce Agility - Interactive

Creating Workforce Agility - Interactive

Seven Dimensions,Chef Siu
Updated May 10, 2020

An agile workforce brings new energy... encouraging inspiration and innovation.

Carol's idea of workforce agility is to get Dion to do the research that doesn't interest her. She is therefore very surprised when he delivers an impromptu presentation on workforce agility that leaves her and Marcus impressed. Even Dions suggested nachos fountain as a way to make the office more social acquires its own appeal. Meanwhile Barney Serena and Marcus workshop ideas to improve their workforce agility.

Key Learning Points

  • Don’t be rigid INSTEAD: Be flexible and adaptable
  • Don’t get stuck in old habits INSTEAD: Use fresh approaches
  • Don’t just benefit the few INSTEAD: Ensure value for all
  • Don’t be conventional with opportunities INSTEAD: Nurture high potential talent

Comedy makes learning fun

This interactive course is part of the popular Cutting Edge Communication Comedy Series created by Psychologist Eve Ash and comedienne Erin Brown starring Emmy-award winning Kim Estes. This powerful training series follows several characters as they battle challenges, negotiate conflicts and learn from mistakes about professionalism, leadership, communication and safety. This Australian produced series was filmed on location in Los Angeles.