Creating eBooks & Interactive PDFs

Creating eBooks & Interactive PDFs

Creative Live
Updated Mar 15, 2019

Interactive PDFs transform your documents from the typical 2D reading experience to a creative visual journey. By using Interactive PDFs, you can create beautiful, immersive online publications - such as ebooks and epubs - that will draw readers in and build interest in your ideas. But interactivity isn’t just for eBooks - imagine adding interactive elements to a brochure, portfolio, resume or even a newsletter. The application possibilities are endless.

Join Adobe® expert Jason Hoppe for this class, and you'll learn how to use Adobe InDesign to:

  • Set hyperlink destinations
  • Create bookmarks, buttons, rollovers and pop-ups
  • Add different media such as audio and video
  • Export Interactive PDF's for Publish Now
This class includes comprehensive bonus materials so you can build your skills, confidence and knowledge to create stand-out interactive documents your readers will love!

Software Used: Adobe InDesign CC 2015