Coronavirus Infection Control for Work

Coronavirus Infection Control for Work

Alex King
Updated May 01, 2020

Online Coronavirus Infection Control Course | Understand how to help limit infection from COVID-19 at work.

While this course provides general information about coronavirus COVID-19 and infection control, it should not be regarded as medical advice.

If you have any concerns about coronavirus prevention, symptoms, or treatment, please follow current World Health Organization or NHS guidance.

Learning Outcomes

  • The origin of COVID-19
  • Common symptoms associated with COVID-19
  • The public health response, including NHS guidance, in the UK
  • Infection control and personal protective measures

Course Content

  • introduction what is a coronavirus?
  • novel coronavirus COVID-19
  • symptoms
  • incubation period
  • methods of transmission
  • reproductive number
  • diagnosis
  • treatment
  • if you have symptoms
  • public health response
  • exiting lockdowns
  • protecting yourself
  • working from home
  • workplace hygiene
  • workplace policy & planning