CompTIA Security+ SY0-501: Security Assessment Using Software Tools

CompTIA Security+ SY0-501: Security Assessment Using Software Tools

Updated Oct 17, 2019

Course Overview

There is a saying that a craftsman is only as good as his tools. In this course, the learner will explore several demonstrations of various tools for security assessment as well as prepare for the Security+ SY0-501 exam.

Target Audience

IT security professionals with a minimum of two years' experience in IT administration with a focus on security; users with basic day-to-day technical information security experience; those interested in gaining a broader and deeper knowledge of security concerns and implementation; and learners preparing for the Security+ SY0-501 exam

Learning Objectives

  • work with protocol analyzers
  • work with network scanners
  • specify wireless scanners/cracker
  • work with password crackers
  • describe vulnerability scanners
  • define configuration compliance scanner
  • describe exploitation frameworks
  • compare data sanitization tools
  • define steganography tools
  • describe honeypots
  • configure backup utilities
  • define banner grabbing
  • compare passive vs. active
  • describe other command line tools
  • work with security assessment using software tools