Combined Cycle Steam and Feedwater Operating Principles

Combined Cycle Steam and Feedwater Operating Principles

Updated Jan 21, 2021

 When you finish this lesson, you will be able to describe the feedwater and steam flowpaths in a typical combined cycle power plant. You will also be able to explain the HRSG design principles governing plant operation. • Describe the system flow path of a basic single-pressure cycle • Describe the function of the following components of an HRSG: – Economizer – Evaporator – Superheater • Explain the concept of a pinch point • Describe the system flow path of a dual-pressure (HP and LP) cycle • Describe the system flow path of a triple-pressure (HP, IP, and LP) cycle • Explain the purpose of a pegging steam line • Describe the system flow path of a triple-pressure cycle with reheat • Explain the operation of an HRSG feedwater pump • Describe the function of a steam attemperator