Cloud Computing: Trends, Strategies, and Best Practices

Cloud Computing: Trends, Strategies, and Best Practices

Biz Library
Updated Sep 04, 2018
This course features a recognized Cloud computing and SOA expert. The course material covers the evolution of Cloud computing; common misconceptions; effective Cloud computing strategies; risks and benefits related to the Cloud; and enabling capabilities of the Cloud related to modern day computing, plus guidelines for effective implementation of Cloud computing. The initial section explains how Cloud computing is rapidly gaining traction in large enterprises plus small and medium size businesses -- highlighting important applications and uses. Included here is a discussion of some common misconceptions, such as privacy and security. Following this introduction, the course moves into a discussion of how enterprises can reduce risk and maximize the benefits of Cloud computing. Next, the topic of the growing mobile workforce and how the Cloud can be a key enabler of enterprise mobility is explored. Included here is an overview of the Cloud's impact on the ways in which companies transact business. The ensuing section delves into how Cloud computing is impacting the enterprise IT organization, incorporating a discussion of how the traditional role of IT personnel is now and will be impacted further. The course concludes with a section that offers guidelines for success with Cloud computing.