Cell Phones in the Workplace: A Dangerous Distraction

Cell Phones in the Workplace: A Dangerous Distraction

ERI Safety
Updated Jun 06, 2019

Course Overview

Our cell phones are powerful tools that allow us to have instant access to information and communication. When used appropriately these devices can make our lives easier and more enjoyable but when used at the wrong time and in the wrong manner these same devices can get us in trouble at work and cause serious injury.

This program discusses how sending and receiving text messages can cause us to lose focus on doing our jobs safely and efficiently as well as the importance of always following your company's policy regarding cell phone use. Also featured are several workplace scenarios that illustrate the tragic consequences of ignoring these polices in order to text when it is unsafe or prohibited. Other topics include how cell phone use adversely affects our production level following the company plan for emergency contact appropriate use of company-owned cell phones and why we must have the courage to speak up and refuse to participate in unsafe and inappropriate texting.

Target Audience

All employees on & off job


15 minutes