Care Act – Personal Budgets

Care Act – Personal Budgets

Updated Aug 21, 2019

Course Overview

Everyone whose needs are met by the local authority, whether those needs are eligible, or if the authority has chosen to meet other needs, must receive a personal budget as part of the care and support plan, or support plan.

Target Audience

This course is aimed at:

  • People who have a role in care and support planning and the deployment of personal budgets
  • Staff employed by local authorities and other organisations who are responsible for care and support planning and the administration and monitoring of personal budgets
  • Managers of people undertaking care and support planning and the deployment of personal budgets

Learning Objectives

Once you’ve completed this course, you’ll have a knowledge of:

  • Elements of the personal budget
  • Elements of care and support that are excluded from the personal budget
  • How to calculate the personal budget
  • How to agree the final budget
  • Use of the personal budget
  • Use of a carer’s personal budget
  • Carers’ personal budgets where the adult being cared for does not have eligible needs
  • Appeals and disputes