Business Etiquette for Young Professionals

Business Etiquette for Young Professionals

The proper business etiquette is very important for workers to observe in order to create a professional workplace. There are four specific areas of business etiquette that provides a basic framework for a successful company. <br> How you conduct yourself in the business world will have a huge impact on your career. You can't act the same way with business associates as you do with your friends. Business etiquette allows a basic framework for business people to follow so that a professional environment is maintained. <br> Business etiquette allows a basic framework for business people to follow so that a professional environment is maintained. It is very important for individuals to understand how to act in the workplace. There are four key areas of business etiquette that will help create a productive and successful business environment: 1. Communication styles 2. Dress and appearance 3. Technology 4. Social situations

Cutting Edge eLearning Solutions
Updated Jun 21, 2019

Business etiquette is a set of rules that govern the way people interact with one another in business, with customers, suppliers, with inside or outside bodies. It is all about conveying the right image and behaving in an appropriate way.

The proper business etiquette is very important for workers to observe in order to create a professional workplace. There are four specific areas of business etiquette that provides a basic framework for a successful company.

How you conduct yourself in the business world will have a huge impact on your career. You can't act the same way with business associates as you do with your friends. Business etiquette allows a basic framework for business people to follow so that a professional environment is maintained.

Business etiquette allows a basic framework for business people to follow so that a professional environment is maintained. It is very important for individuals to understand how to act in the workplace. There are four key areas of business etiquette that will help create a productive and successful business environment:

  1. Communication styles
  2. Dress and appearance
  3. Technology
  4. Social situations

Learning Outcomes

  • Highlight the purpose of business etiquette
  • List and elaborate upon the four main components of business etiquette
  • Understanding subject, greeting, and signature etiquette
  • Using CC, BCC, and Reply All
  • Text messaging etiquette
  • Writing business letters
  • Leaving voicemail
  • Understanding what to say over the phone

Course Outline

  • Definition of Business Etiquette
  • Communication in Professional Events
  • Initial Introductions 
  • The Importance of Style in Social Gatherings
  • Dining Events
  • Corporate Email Etiquette
  • Etiquette During Business Phone Calls
  • Etiquette in Written Communication
  • Appearance is Important
  • Multi-Cultural Etiquette