Building Relationships - Interactive

Building Relationships - Interactive

Seven Dimensions,Chef Siu
Updated May 01, 2020

We all value positive healthy relationships. Taking time to build them is the challenge. This engaging interactive course teaches learners the importance of greeting others professionally and building rapport.

Marcus feels that the team is losing the ability to communicate effectively and suggests they use a ‘speed socializing’ exercise to better understand what it takes to build long lasting relationships. Steve is chosen as the relationship expert to comment on the relationship skill level of the group as they undertake role-plays. Carol and Michael begin the exercise with a strained interaction. Casey describes how she uses personal details from her clients to improve her interactions with them. Tammy and Sanjay’s awkward interaction escalates when Steve refers to him as a narcissist. Tammy feels angry with the whole group and has an outburst in Chinese. Marcus feels they have done very well and they should congratulate themselves whilst Tammy is left feeling annoyed.

Key Learning Points

  • Don’t tune out and get bored INSTEAD: Ask interesting questions
  • Don’t make judgments or assume INSTEAD: Listen and be open
  • Don’t be defensive or argue INSTEAD: Be calm and controlled
  • Don’t give up on people you dislike INSTEAD: Find common ground

Comedy makes learning fun

This interactive course is part of the popular Cutting Edge Communication Comedy Series created by Psychologist Eve Ash and comedienne Erin Brown starring Emmy-award winning Kim Estes. This powerful training series follows several characters as they battle challenges, negotiate conflicts and learn from mistakes about professionalism, leadership, communication and safety. This Australian produced series was filmed on location in Los Angeles.