Building Rapport: Business Etiquette & Customer Care

Building Rapport: Business Etiquette & Customer Care

Etiquette is a set of social behavioral requirements, created over time to give structure to the way to interpersonal rapport and manners are the core of etiquette. In this course you will learn the various behaviors involved in mastering manners and we will share the golden rule with you. Learn to go above and beyond customer expectations by using the 6 F’s.

Chart Learning Solutions
Updated Nov 21, 2019

Building Rapport creates trust, friendship and much more, and is of great benefit to employees interacting with customers. Etiquette is a set of social behavioral requirements created over time to give structure to the way we interact with others. In this course, you'll discover the various behaviors involved in mastering manners, including the golden rule, and learn how to go above and beyond customer expectations by using the 6 F’s.