Building a Bulletproof Business

Building a Bulletproof Business

Sandler Admin
Updated Jun 11, 2019

Course Overview

David Mattson, President and CEO of Sandler Training, offers 13 top blindspots and how to correct the most dangerous leadership oversights to take your company into the top tier. The “Blind-Spots Syndrome” undermines or destroys too many businesses. Most leaders are passionate about their business, and if they had better ideas for how to grow their company, they would use them. They really do want to move their company into the top rank, but they have learned first-hand that just wanting that is not enough. They work very, very hard, but after a while, they realize that, no matter how hard they work, something important seems to be missing, and they’re not quite sure what that something is. They’ve fallen prey to the “Blind Spots Syndrome” – they don’t know what they don’t know about the obstacles they face. What, exactly, stands between my company and organizational excellence – and what do I do about it? Learn the top 13 blindspots and how to overcome them in this special video course!

Target Audience

Business Owners and Executives

Learning Outcomes

  • Identify the most dangerous leadership oversights
  • Build a plan to identify and overcome your blindspots

Business Outcomes

  • Overall effectiveness and efficiency across all departments
  • More engaged leadership
  • Clear direction and purpose for the organization