뇌물과 부정부패에 대한 인식 (Bribery and Corruption - Korean)

뇌물과 부정부패에 대한 인식 (Bribery and Corruption - Korean)

Mark Putnam
Updated Apr 14, 2021

This course helps learners understand basic principles of anti-corruption and anti-bribery awareness, including: identifying corruption and bribery, prevention and preclusions, international anti-corruption laws and conventions, and appropriate gift-giving. This is a basic introductory course and is appropriate for all employees in any business sector.


요약: 고위 공직자의 대규모 스캔들로부터 일상적으로 이루어지는 청탁까지, 뇌물과 부정부패는 조직에 치명적일 수 있으므로 용납해서는 안됩니다.이 과정은 부정부패와 뇌물수수, 예방과 처리, 국제 부패방지법과 협약, 적절한 선물의 이해 등 부패예방법에 관련된 전반적 원칙을 이해하도록 도와 줄 것입니다. 본 과정은 기본 입문 과정으로서 전 비즈니스 분야의 종사자 교육에 적합합니다.