Boosting Emotional Intelligence - Interactive

Boosting Emotional Intelligence - Interactive

Seven Dimensions,Chef Siu
Updated May 01, 2020

A humoros EQ lesson about self-awareness, managing feelings, communicate and connect with others. This entertaining interactive course will provide an excellent opportunity for users to build and develop their communication skills required at work.

The team at Cutting Edge have decided that Carol needs to work on her EQ (emotional intelligence) skills. Steve and Sam run training for the staff. Carol thinks no such training is called for. Sanjay has problems with his emotions being quick to snap at colleagues and denigrate their work. Dion advocates reading peoples body language and being sensitive to their needs. Casey is the eternal victim of Sanjays anger and Barney encroaches on Serena's personal space. Dion and Sherry attempt a role-play which gets out of hand. Serena the VP still manages not to notice other peoples reactions. Marcus breaks up an argument by praising everyones efforts at growing and developing their EQ. Marcus praises everyones efforts at the end of the session. Steve and Sam decide that Carol is more of a TORmentor than a mentor.

Key Learning Points

Seek to understand feelings and emotions. Communicate, connect and care.

  • Don’t block self-awareness INSTEAD: Understand your feelings and biases
  • Don’t be moody or overreact INSTEAD: Manage your emotions
  • Don’t be insensitive INSTEAD: Care about how others feel
  • Don’t withdraw INSTEAD: Communicate and connect with people

Comedy makes learning fun

This interactive course is part of the popular Cutting Edge Communication Comedy Series created by Psychologist Eve Ash and comedienne Erin Brown starring Emmy-award winning Kim Estes. This powerful training series follows several characters as they battle challenges, negotiate conflicts and learn from mistakes about professionalism, leadership, communication and safety. This Australian produced series was filmed on location in Los Angeles.