Boiler Water and Steam Cycle

Boiler Water and Steam Cycle

Updated Jan 21, 2021

 Upon completing this lesson, you will be able to explain the basic components that make up a condensate and feedwater system and describe the flow path through those systems. In addition, you will be able to explain the difference between saturated steam and superheated steam and identify the factors that affect the quality of steam. • Describe the following terms as they relate to heat transfer: – Radiation – Conduction – Convection • Describe the difference between open feedwater and closed feedwater heaters and identify where each type of heater would be found in the condensate/ feedwater system • Explain the basic components found in a condensate system and the flow path through the system • Explain the basic components found in a feedwater system and the flow path through the system • Define the term Quality of Steam • Describe the difference between saturated steam and superheated steam