Blockchain Application Development in 7 Days

Blockchain Application Development in 7 Days

Packt Admin
Updated Nov 11, 2019

Blockchain is a revolutionary technology. Bitcoin is an example of it but far from the only one, just as email is one particular use of the Internet. Ethereum is a decentralized Blockchain platform that runs smart contracts.

Our course will teach you to build an online gaming application using the Ethereum Blockchain. Each 30 minute section will introduce fundamental Blockchain programming concepts as they relate to creating an online game, followed by practical exercises that customers can implement as homework assignments. With this course, you will learn core Blockchain application development skills, creating smart contracts, interacting with the Ethereum network, building user interfaces, and deploying your application to the Internet.

This course supplies seven self-contained lessons taught in a practical, hands-on way. By the end of the course, you will be amazed how much you have learned about Blockchain application development on the Ethereum network in just one week. 

Target Audience

This course is for software engineers and IT Professionals eager to learn Blockchain application development skills and master how Blockchain applications are developed. This course is perfect for those with limited programming experience.