Beyond Macro Photography: Into the Microscopic World

Beyond Macro Photography: Into the Microscopic World

Creative Live
Updated Mar 15, 2019
Photomicrography (photography through a microscope) and photomacrography (using a hybrid combination of microscope optics and conventional camera equipment), opens up vast new areas for exploration. Learn about the tools and techniques essential for exploring these fascinating approaches in Beyond Macro Photography: Into the Microscopic World with Charles Krebs.

In this class, you’ll learn about the most common equipment and techniques used in photomicrography and photomacrography and the difficulties photographers face when shooting such technically challenging images.

Charles will discuss the imaging characteristics and complications that arise while working at high magnifications and he’ll offer solutions for dealing with diffraction effects, severely limited depth-of-field, and vibration problems.

The world around us filled with fascinating subjects too small to seen with the unaided eye. Macro photography provides a peek into this world, but to fully appreciate many smaller subjects it is necessary to experiment with specialized techniques – find out how it is done in Beyond Macro Photography: Into the Microscopic World with Charles Krebs.