Behavioural Observation and Suspicious Activity Recognition

Behavioural Observation and Suspicious Activity Recognition

Risk 2 Solution
Updated Oct 09, 2020


BOSAR provides an introduction to the key skills and underpinning knowledge required for Suspicious objects identification as well as suspicious activity and behaviour recognition. It will assist you in identifying whether someone is behaving suspiciously or something is out of the ordinary, in your environment. This is a short, intensive and informative program and could help prevent something bad from happening to you, your colleagues or your loved ones.

Goal & Objective

The goal of BOSAR is to introduce you to the skills you need to know in order to proactively identify objects, people and behaviors that may seem out of the ordinary or suspicious in your environment. This ability or skill, may assist you in predicting and preventing bad things from happening to you, your colleagues or your loved ones.


- The ability to identify suspicious objects.

- The ability to identify suspicious or out of the ordinary behavior or activity.

- The relevant actions to take when you notice something suspicious or out of the ordinary.