Basic Power Plant Efficiency

Basic Power Plant Efficiency

Updated Jan 21, 2021

 After this lesson, you will be able to explain the relationship between energy, work and efficiency. Heat rate, the term used to express power plant efficiency will be part of your vocabulary. You will be able to explain how the boiler, turbine cycle, and generator comprise plant heat rate. You will understand how heat rate is affected by key plant parameters known as performance parameters. Finally, you will be able to explain the roles of operations, maintenance, engineering, and plant management in the plant heat rate program. • Explain the relationship between energy, work, and efficiency • Describe the relationship between gross heat rate, net unit heat rate, and design heat rate • Describe typical efficiencies of the three main parts of a power plant: the boiler, turbine cycle, and generator and the role they play in overall plant efficiency • Explain how heat rate is affected by key plant parameters known as performance parameters • Explain the roles of operations, maintenance, engineering, and plant management in the plant heat rate program