Azure Fundamentals: Database Solutions

Azure Fundamentals: Database Solutions

Updated Oct 14, 2019

Course Overview

Discover the differences between SQL and NoSQL Azure database offerings and explore how databases such as Azure SQL Database and CosmosDB are deployed.

Learning Objectives

  • describe SQL databases and their use
  • recognize when to use Azure SQL Database
  • deploy Azure SQL database using the GUI
  • deploy Azure SQL database using the CLI
  • deploy Azure SQL database using PowerShell
  • manage an Azure SQL database from on-premises
  • describe how the SQL migration process works
  • configure a SQL server assessment project
  • enable geo-replication for Azure SQL through the portal
  • describe NoSQL databases and their use
  • recognize when to use CosmosDB
  • create an Azure CosmosDB database using the Azure portal
  • map Azure database options to business needs