Automating Web Testing with Selenium and Python

Automating Web Testing with Selenium and Python

Packt Admin
Updated Dec 18, 2019

Selenium WebDriver is one of the most sought-after skills on this planet, and you can learn it today. One of the worst drags in the application development process is the testing phase. And the pressure to launch an application as early as possible may force you to cut corners in the time-consuming manual testing phase, resulting in half-baked products and end-users impeded by many glitches.  

If you're drowning in a never-ending collection of regression test cases and need to automate them, you're in the right place. This course will make your life as a developer easier and using Selenium will change the mundane way in which you run the exact same tests day in and day out.  

Test automation with Selenium and Python or developing scripts for running automated test commands against a range of browsers, will be more cost-effective, accurate, and faster than manual testing. The lack of manual intervention will diminish the possibility of errors and you will be able to find bugs at an early stage, making the process more reliable. By automating your web testing, you will be able to run tests on multiple devices simultaneously, which is impossible with manual testing.  

By the end of this course, you will be well on the way to becoming a test automation specialist. Automating your testing with Python and Selenium will offer a highly efficient way to generate test scripts, validate their functionality, and reuse such scripts in an automated framework.  

Target Audience 

This course is aimed at software testers and developers keen to automate their web pages using Selenium and Python. A basic knowledge of Python 3 is assumed.  

Business Outcomes 

  • Get to grips with Selenium to automate your cumbersome testing phase 
  • Create reliable and stable automation tests 
  • Automate your tests to ensure that you get a higher ROI on the initially huge investments done by testing manually