Automate and Outsource Your Work

Automate and Outsource Your Work

Creative Live
Updated Mar 15, 2019

It’s the eternal conundrum: How to find enough hours in the day to get everything done. For most of us, it can feel like crossing off one task on our to-do list just leads to three more being added.

The good news is that technology offers countless ways to automate tasks, and easy outsourcing options such as virtual assistants are becoming increasingly popular. But with rapid hi-tech advances and ever-increasing choices, figuring out how to take advantage of these timesaving tricks can feel overwhelming.

Enter Ari Meisel: your very own automation and outsourcing guru. In this course, Ari explains his systematic way for accomplishing the things you need to do so you can open up more time for the things you want to do. You’ll learn to optimize, automate and outsource your professional tasks so you can focus on the work you do best.

In this class, you’ll learn how to:

  • Figure out which tasks you need to do yourself and which can be automated or outsourced.
  • Simplify the workday by eliminating repetitive tasks.
  • Error proof your work.
  • Discover all of the automation and outsourcing options at your disposal.
  • Build, test and improve your processes.
  • Coordinate and streamline your apps and applets to ensure they’re running smoothly.
  • Find, onboard and train a virtual assistant.
  • Establish processes and communication tools to optimize your work with your virtual assistant.