Asbestos Awareness (IOSH approved and CPD certified)

Asbestos Awareness (IOSH approved and CPD certified)

iAM Learning
Updated Sep 05, 2019

Course Overview

Asbestos is dubbed by many H&S practitioners as the silent killer. And you can see why. There’s no cure for asbestos-related diseases, buildings still contain it and once it’s in the air you can’t detect it. If you breathe it in, then it could be fatal. And because it was so widely used throughout the 20th century, it presents a threat to maintenance staff, building workers and the public. Which is why iAM Asbestos Awareness training is an essential part of all personnel and workplace compliance training. Treat this course as part of your business contingency plan to protect you, your business and your workers from harm.

Target Audience

General Audience / All Levels

Learning Objectives

  • Understand the history behind asbestos and its legacy
  • Understand how it affects people’s health
  • Demonstrate procedures to deal with an emergency, e.g. an uncontrolled release of asbestos dust into the workplace
  • Deal with an exposure or discovery of asbestos
  • How to avoid the risk of exposure to asbestos
  • Demonstrate a knowledge of relevant legislation
  • Complete risk assessments
  • Explain & put into place safe systems of work, e.g. safe methods and procedures
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the correct personal protective equipment (PPE) and be aware of occupational hygiene matters associated with asbestos handling
  • Assess risks posed by the type and condition of building materials that contain asbestos
  • Outline the requirements & records needed to be compliant

Business Outcomes 

As the responsible person or employer, you have a duty of care to take every reasonable precaution to ensure maintenance staff, building workers and the public are protected from asbestos, and you must have measures in place to manage the hazards effectively. This course will give you sufficient knowledge to be able to assess asbestos hazards in terms of occupational health & safety, and to manage the environment to help keep personnel safe from harm, allowing them to undertake their duties safely and effectively.