Anti-Harassment Training: Ramifications of Mishandling Sexual Harassment

Anti-Harassment Training: Ramifications of Mishandling Sexual Harassment

Biz Library
Updated Feb 18, 2019
Welcome to The Hot Seat, brought to you by BizLibrary TV! In this video lesson, 'Ramifications of Mishandling Sexual Harassment,' Judge Julie Keating will determine whether the defendant, Professionals Collective, Inc., has the right values, processes, and training in place to adequately deal with harassment situations. Judge Keating will make this decision based on the testimony of the plaintiff, who claims his complaint wasn't appropriately handled, and the plaintiff's supervisor, who insists she did everything required by the organization's policy. This anti-harassment course, which was designed to comply with state laws, is sure to capture your engagement while teaching you everything you need to know about workplace harassment. Special thanks to content consultant Deborah C. England, Esq., of San Francisco, CA, who kindly reviewed all harassment content with a critical and judicial eye.