An Audience of One: Reclaiming Creativity For Its Own Sake Book Launch

An Audience of One: Reclaiming Creativity For Its Own Sake Book Launch

Creative Live
Updated Mar 15, 2019

It's the eternal struggle of every creator: How do you remain true to your art while also finding an audience? How do your reconcile the desire for fame, money and success with the goal of creating something you believe in and can be proud of?

For Srinivas Rao, it’s a false dilemma. According to the best-selling author and host of the popular podcast, “The Unmistakable Creative,” the key to increasing your productivity, finding contentment and expanding the size of your audience is to focus on pleasing yourself. Whether you’re a photographer, novelist, songwriter, painter, sculptor or other type of creator, success lies with the joyful creative experience and not the pursuit of success.

Rao sits down with Chase Jarvis to discuss the launch of his new book, “An Audience of One: Reclaiming Creativity for Its Own Sake.” He shares fascinating true stories of creators who took this path and the research of creativity experts that bolsters his counterintuitive argument. Rao also offers actionable tips and advice to help you boost your self-esteem as a creator, start your journey on this new creative path and ultimately find the satisfaction and success you’ve been searching for.