When commencing an interview, experienced retired detective Colin McLaren emphasizes the importance of establishing rapport.
Course Overview
No matter what kind of interrogation you’re doing, an investigator or interviewer needs to quickly establish a rapport with a person. Colin McLaren advises Eve Ash that this can be done through being informal (removing jacket), offering a beverage or lunch (if the interview will be long). He counsels not trying to be tough or raising your voice or resorting to abrupt body language. An interviewee is offering information voluntarily and will only do so if not feeling threatened by the interviewer.
Key Learning Points
Colin McLaren emphasizes the importance of rapport in conducting an investigation interview:
Create rapport at the start of an interview
Offer the interviewee a coffee, and if a long interview, a sandwich
Don’t be tough
Don’t raise your voice
Don’t move in close or change body language
Interviewer: Eve Ash
Interviewee: Colin McLaren