Course Overview
Aren’t you tired of hassling to manage students who are absolutely unmanageable?
Your college training didn’t prepare you for youngsters with conduct disorder or oppositional defiance disorder. Your college training never focused on or even envisioned behaviors as extreme as what you’re dealing with every hour of every day. You may feel pretty discouraged and frustrated.
Fortunately, this course will show you how to manage even your most unmanageable children and adolescents. This class does not offer vague or general answers. Instead, we’ll equip you with specific steps you can take with youngsters who have conduct disorder, or are seriously out-of-control, or are harming people, property or animals.
Geared for children and teens Pre-K to 12th grade, this class will make you feel like you have a mental health expert with you in your classroom or office, coaching you and mentoring you every step of the way to successfully manage even the most resolutely out-of-control and defiant youngsters.
Target Audience
Teachers, counselors, principals, paraprofessionals, youth pastors, social workers, family therapists, foster parents, and anyone who works with or parents a hard-to-manage teen or child aged 5 and up.
If you’re tired of feeling like there is nothing you can do to rein in the most unmanageable students, this class is packed with the latest interventions to use with students who have conduct disorder, are oppositional, violent, or engage in delinquent behaviors.
Learning Objectives
Course Format
You can choose to read or listen to this class as you will receive the class in two formats. You can read the information in the familiar, standard PDF ebook format, or listen to the class as an MP3 audio book.
The information provided in the ebook varies a bit from the audio book. Because of this variation in content, you may wish to both listen and read to best grasp the wealth of critical, must-have safety and prevention information included in this course.
Business Outcomes
Teachers will be far better behavior managers, better prepared to prevent and manage students' behavioral, social and school problems.