Access 2013 Beginner

Access 2013 Beginner

Learn IT Anytime
Updated Sep 07, 2018

Who it's For:

Access provides a powerful set of tools that are sophisticated enough for professional data managers, yet easy for new users to learn. Access is for users that need to track and report on data in advanced ways. It’s a good idea to be familiar with Excel before you learn Access. 

What it is:

Access is the next step past Excel. It’s useful for tracking, reporting, and working with data, reports, and calculations. Many small businesses use Access as their business database. Because Access doesn’t require programming, normal people use it to develop robust databases instead of hiring an expensive developer.  

What You'll Learn:

The first part of Access focuses on tables—how the data is stored, and moves from there. You’ll learn concepts, theories, and how to query for results. You’ll learn advanced database techniques like creating reports and user interfaces to be used by non-technical people.

Time to complete

224 minutes